Chillin’ with Martin Van Buren.
Years ago, I made a half-hearted commitment.
I declared my plan to read least one book about every U.S. president. I was slow out of the gate, but gained momentum when I began doodling along while I read.
Once I finished all the presidents, I was powerless to stop. My project evolved from sharing doodles on Instagram to much more:
I’m into the stuff that makes these guys human.
Policy and legacy don’t capture my attention, but I can’t get enough of the weird trivia, coincidences, and quirks. Like we haven’t had a president with facial hair since President Taft. General Washington illegally inoculated his troops. And don’t even get me started on Herbert Hoover, who died when he was two.
Enough about them.
They have this whole site. I just get one page to introduce myself. (Feel free to veer off and explore, if you prefer. I won’t be offended.)
1 I’ve read at least one book about every U.S. president.
Check out my full bibliography or scroll through my book lists if you want to learn more about any title. Or read my Origin Story for more details.
2 I don’t use pencil in my sketchbooks or journals.
I try not to be perfect or precious. And it shows.
3 I make a lot of mistakes.
Not on purpose, but now I just lean into it. It is what it is.
4 If When I make mistakes, I cover them up with big clunky arrows.
I’m pretty much an expert at hiding my mistakes under big, clunky arrows.
I mean, seriously. Have you ever seen so many typos hidden under clunky arrows in a presidential sketchbook? I don’t think so.
5 I drink my coffee black, drive a stick, and have a couple tattoos.
I’m really not to be trifled with.
6 I’m an INFJ, Upholder, C
If you’re into Myers-Briggs, the Four Tendencies, or DiSC (respectively)… this is who I am. So… very much a person to be trifled with, despite the claim above.
7 I 💙rules.
I wrote up a set of strict, self-enforced rules to govern my project, adding amendments as needed.
8 I need to know when a book will end.
When I read non-fiction, I always mark off where the acknowledgements, index, etc. begin so I know precisely how far I have to go. (Is that just me? Anybody else do that?)
9 I’m obsessed with charts and diagrams.
Especially Venn diagrams and flow charts. My book will be jam-packed with them. Also doodles, if you’re not into charts for some reason.
10 I love sending mail.
If you love receiving mail, subscribe to The POTUS Notice. I frequently add chances to score fun presidential mail.
11 It’s possible I may have a teensy crush on James Garfield.
If he wasn’t shot, and then accidentally killed by his germy doctors, I think he could have done great things.
He’s the best James of all the presidents named James.
12 My daughter’s favorite president is Teddy Roosevelt.
I think he’s overrated. And kind of a blowhard.
(I saw something recently that said he had “Big Stick Energy” and I’ve never wished something was my idea more.)
13 I’m kinda immature.
I can’t help it. Exhibit A. Exhibit B.
14 It boggles my mind how sensitive some of these powerful men were (are).
I’d like to think I’m not that delicate. If you have any thoughts or feedback, drop me a line. I’m very unlikely to challenge anyone to a duel.
Thanks for stopping by!
Inspired by The Daughters of Yalta: The Churchills, Roosevelts, and Harrimans: A Story of Love and War, by by Catherine Grace Katz
(Freaking fascinating. Highly recommend!)
Left to right: posing with Andrew Jackson at the Hermitage (the smile doesn’t indicate that I’m a big fan of Jackson’s); visiting Chester Arthur’s statue and his grave.