As you can see, I’m a little short. This is a work in progress. I’m only collecting people with some sort of history tie-in. And largely people who have popped up in my reading. I’ve started this meager post with the plan to fill it in as I encounter new people to add.

I have no idea how to sort this list. But age? Alphabetically? By height (which, I believe, would put Dale Pontius first at 6’ 4”)? In order of their death? For now, I’m going with plain old jumbled list. If you have any thoughts about the organizational structure or centenarians to add, leave a note in the comments.

  1. Jimmy Carter / 1924-2024 / 100 years old
    (Our first presidential centenarian!)

  2. Lena Derriecott Bell King / 1923-2024 / 100 years old

  3. Henry Kissinger / 1923-2023 / 100 years old

  4. George Shultz / 1920-2021 / 100 years old

  5. Alf Landon / 1887-1987 / 100 years old

  6. Hamilton Fish III / 1888-1991 / 102 years old

  7. Albert Henry Woolson / 1850-1956 / 106 years old

  8. Dale Pontius / 1906-2011 / 104 years old

  9. Françoise Gilot / 1921-2023 / 101 years old

  10. Bob Hope / 1903-2003 / 100 years old

  11. Queen Elizabeth (The Queen Mother) / 1900-2002 / 101 years old

  12. Clarence Petty / 1905-2010 / 104 years old

  13. William E. Leuchtenburg / 1922-2025 / 102 years old

  14. Beverly Cleary / 1916-2021 / 104 years old

Jimmy Carter

1924-2024 / 100 years old

Lena Derriecott Bell King

1923-2024 / 100 years old

  • Joined the WAC (Women’s Army Corps) at 20 years old

  • Member of the “Six Triple Eight", the 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion during World War II

  • The only all-Black, all-women unit to serve overseas during the war

  • Died a few days before her 101st birthday

I learned about her watching The Six Triple Eight. This is all I’m going to say about her, because I don’t want to spoil the movie. Here’s the trailer. Just watch it. It’s incredible.

Henry Kissinger

1923-2023 / 100 years old

  • Came to the U.S. to escape the Nazis

  • Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford’s Secretary of State

  • Furious when Richard Nixon, following a landslide re-election, forced his entire staff to submit their resignation

  • Rosaylnn Carter once served him water from a Tweety glass and was mortified

  • Complicated legacy

George Shultz

1920-2021 / 100 years old

  • Secretary of Labor and Secretary of the Treasury under Richard Nixon

  • Secretary of State under Ronald Reagan

  • Said “he who walks in the middle of the road gets hit from both sides.”

  • On the Theranos board (along with Kissinger, who he recruited); his grandson was the whistleblower

Alf Landon

1887-1987 / 100 years old

  • H.L. Mencken said of him that he “probably knows less than the Honorable Mr. Roosevelt, but much more of what he knows is true.”

  • Eleanor Roosevelt was tickled when handed a Landon campaign button. No idea if the person knew who she was or not.

  • On Landon’s wishy-washiness and lack of positions, Burton Wheeler said, “After a careful study, I conclude that Governor Landon is in favor of good health, sunshine, a temperate climate, and a long happy life. I do not wish to misquote him. I believe he is in favor of sunshine, but only when accompanied by adequate precipitation, a temperate climate, but one sufficiently bracing, a long and happy life, but not too long nor too happy.”

    Well, he lived to 100. I’m not sure if that’s long or too long. And I’m not sure if the level of happiness was sufficient without being excessive.

Hamilton Fish III

1888-1991 / 102 years old

  • Hated FDR, or rather, as he said “I don’t hate Roosevelt — but frankly, I despise him.”

  • Not a fan of FDR distributing relief and said, “one cannot beat Santa Claus with a Communist boogyman.”

  • To be honest, I don’t know much about him… but peeking the teeniest bit into him is horrifying. Note to self: listen to Ultra again. Or read Prequel: An American Fight Against Fascism.

Albert Henry Woolson

1850-1956 / 106 years old

  • Last living Union vet and last known known Civil War vet.

  • While under General Grant’s command, he was wounded at the Battle of Shiloh.

  • Speaking of Grant, the same decade that Woolson died the USPS launched the “Liberty Series” of postage stamps which included not Grant — but Robert E. Lee, because what the frick. Also, Eisenhower hung a portrait of Lee in the Oval Office.

Dale Pontius

1906-2011 / 104 years old

  • Student in Germany during Hitler’s rise

  • On General MacArthur’s staff in the Pacific Theater during World War II

  • Heckled Senator Joe McCarthy and was arrested for “disorderly conduct.” He later said “I am alarmed at what seems to be creeping fascism in this country.”

  • Got arrested again for protesting the Vietnam War (wearing a sign that said something like “Impeach LBJ”)

  • Part of a group of professors who resigned together after the school tried to cap the number of Black and Jewish students admitted

  • When interviewed at 100, he said “I’ve never regretted saying what I thought was right.”

  • Continued to take the stairs to his third floor walk up!

Françoise Gilot

1921-2023 / 101 years old

  • French painter

  • In a long-term relationship with the philandering Pablo Picasso

  • When she left him, he was piiiiissed (even though he was seeing someone else at the time)

  • He told her “Even if you think people like you, it will only be a kind of curiosity they will have about a person whose life has touched mine so intimately.”

  • She wrote a bestseller about their relationship

  • He disowned their two kids

  • Gilot eventually married Jonas Salk, who came up with one of the original polio vaccines

  • Oh, and one of her paintings sold for $1.3 million. Suck on that, Picasso.

Bob Hope

1903-2003 / 100 years old

  • Comedian

  • Joked during the 1944 White House Correspondent’s Dinner: “Mr. Roosevelt has been president so long that when I was a boy my father said to me, ‘Bob, maybe some day you will grow up to be vice president.’”

Queen Elizabeth (The Queen Mother)

1900-2002 / 101 years old

  • Married to King George VI

  • Mother of Queen Elizabeth

Clarence Petty

1905 - 2010 / 104 years old

  • Conservationist, Forest Ranger in the Adirondack Forest Preserve

  • Loved his job so much he called it a “paid vacation”

  • Said, “I lived for 100 years. After that, I only existed.”

William E. Leuchtenburg

1922-2025 / 102 years old

Beverly Cleary

1916-2021 / 104 years old

  • Ok, strictly speaking… I didn’t encounter Beverly Cleary during the course of my presidential reading.

  • However, when she died I made note of her in my Doomsday Diary (Day 378). She said “If you don’t see the book you want on the shelves, write it.”

I’m trying!

Both my very first presidential sketchbook and my most current (as of March 2024) have a spread with two centenarians! It should be noted that both Dale Pontius and Françoise Gilot were both deceased and past the 100-year-mark when I drew them. And when I doodled about George Shulz and Henry Kissinger, there were both alive and not 100.

Heather Rogers, America's Preeminent Presidential Doodler

I’ve read at least one book about every U.S. president, never tire of shoehorning presidential trivia into conversations, and am basically an expert at hiding mistakes in my sketchbooks.

Justifying my purchases


Jimmy Carter is 100!