Year-end review

Since I no longer have a boss to perform a year-end performance review, I thought I’d do it myself.


To recap: last October, I gave my notice at work. By the holidays, I was on my own. January 1, 2023 was declared my personal independence day. I enjoyed a brief sabbatical to focus exclusively on my presidential project. Though I claimed to be open about What’s Next, I secretly assumed I’d just find another in-house corporate design opportunity. Much to my surprise (and delight!), I discovered that I loved being my own boss. I consulted with my trusted advisors (in particular, freelancing friends), who generously doled out gobs of invaluable insight, advice, encouragement, and leads. I went for it and have been freelancing since the spring.

There’s a lot to get used to, but it’s been so worth it. (I read this incredible post that sums up my freelance feelings eloquently. Yes to all the things, but particularly the last bit.)

I love, love, love freelance.

✓ Hardly any meetings.

Don’t worry — I didn’t go cold turkey. I still have meetings. But days with meetings are the exception, not the rule. And days of nothin’-but-meetings are (hopefully!) in my rear view mirror.

✓ My boss is cool.

For a while, she made me walk to a café to draw once a week, which was lovely. The café has since closed and there isn’t a good one that checks all the boxes (within walking distance; quiet but not too quiet; good coffee; lets me use my own mug; friendly vibe; regulars I enjoy seeing…) The whole “walking to the café” bit is probably unnecessary but it’s a crucial part of the ritual for me.

✓ Love the freedom and autonomy.

I am a creature of habit. I thrive on predictability and looooove me some structure. (See also: I am tremendously and unapologetically boring.) But dang it, I am enjoying the variety of my days now! I welcome every day with a plan, but adapt as needed. Maybe I start off with doodling, reading, yoga, taking a walk, playing UNO, diving into [paid] work, or working on my Project POTUS Pages stuff. Variety — yay!

✓ Cut out the folderol.

I get to focus on the stuff I enjoy (designing, for example).

A few highlights from 2023

✓ Sent out tons of zines

I had so much fun with it that I’m doing it again in 2024. But even better and with some twists! Drop a note below if you want to be added to the list. 👇
(Limited supply; in the highly unlikely event that hundreds of people comment, I won’t be able to accommodate all. Unless a wealthy benefactor steps up to bankroll my little project. If you are a wealthy benefactor interested in bankrolling my little project, please comment below. 👇Or reach out directly.)

✓ Reunited with my naamgenoot

(Can you believe there’s more than one of me?)

✓ Treated myself to a standing desk

This is a game changer and I love it beyond words. It has three presets:

  1. standing

  2. sitting

  3. standing to draw, take a video call, and/or eat soup

✓ Participated in two daily drawing challenges

I crammed so many POTUS facts into October and December! For December, I also wrote a song. Watch me sing it here.
(Kidding. Nobody wants that.)

✓ Wrote loads of blog posts

Had a blast with them. Once my sabbatical ended, the pace slowed quite a bit and I kinda miss it.

✓ Had a Big Month!

October was a standout month:

Submitted my book proposal to an agent!

Experienced a diversified income for the first time

I’ve spent my entire career as a graphic designer, but have been mixing it up a bit. One week in October, I realized I made money designing, illustrating, doing sidewalk chalk art, speaking, and selling merch. The pie chart below is not to scale. And I should note that the merch sales didn’t even add up to a cup of coffee. I’m not even kidding. But still! That’s not the point.

✓ Read a ton of books. 41 to be exact.

Including fiction! Go on … scroll through the book covers. Some good stuff in there!

I also abandoned one book, which is HUGE for me and worthy of a pat on the back.

Up for 2024

This is my first full year freelancing! A few of my goals:

☐ Chill out

I’m hoping to relax and have faith that it’s not to good to be true. Chilling out is a stretch goal for me. To be honest, this goal doesn’t seem very attainable.

☐ Public speaking opportunities

I planned to include a very passive “hoping for another speaking opportunity” on my list. Four days into the year, I moderated the White House Historical Association History Happy Hour with Matthew Algeo. Guess what? I didn’t spill water all over my keyboard and I didn’t stumble when saying “Ulaanbaatar”. I had a blast! You can watch it here.

Hoping for a couple more opportunities this year.

☐ Collaborate!

I have a few things planned already:

  • Partnering with Learning Plunge for trivia again in February (Here’s a recap)

  • Collaborating with writer, editor, and artist Bridget Watson Payne for some upcoming posts and a zine

  • Several other POTUS Notice guests lined up

☐ Make time to draw at a café regularly

Maybe pair it with networking… drive to the café where the networking will take place. Doodle for an hour. Network. Two birds. One scone, as it were.

☐ Movement on the book

I’ve been thinking and researching but that’s about it lately.

☐ Update my newsletter masthead…?

It was just supposed to be temporary. [shrugs]

I started off the year strong, and then this happened:


It’s fine. Everything is fine. If my goals for January included Watch All The TV, I’d be crushing it right now. Based on the past few Januaries, I will plan for January 2025 to be a starter month with achievable goals like “use lots of tissues” and “leave the house occasionally” and “fall behind on everything… but with grace and dignity!”

See? I’m learning as I go.

Without January’s monkey business mucking up my plans, this post was supposed to be ready weeks ago. It’s kind of poetic that I didn’t finish until today — on what would have been my 20th workiversary if I didn’t take the leap!

Cheers! 🥂

Heather Rogers, presidential doodler

I’ve read at least one book about every U.S. president, never tire of shoehorning presidential trivia into conversations, and am basically an expert at hiding mistakes in my sketchbooks.

U.S. History Trivia Night Recap


ICYMI: Harry and Pablo