W. Averell Harriman
Once again, I’m fundraising for the American Heart Association and participating in the Heart Walk this summer. And once again, I’m using this as a clumsy opportunity to sneak in a history lesson. The walk will be held at the state campus named for W. Averell Harriman. Even though his name pops up around New York, I had no idea who he was until recently.
If you’re interested in donating to my Heart Walk team, let me know. But no matter what, I want to tell you about Harriman.
Here we go…
Many of the doodles and facts in this post are from The Daughters of Yalta: The Churchills, Roosevelts, and Harrimans: A Story of Love and War by Catherine Grace Katz. I can’t stress this enough: if you haven’t read this book, do yourself a favor and read it.
Harriman had a funicular and a couple of bears growing up
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve read Dr. Suess’ Happy Birthday to You without ever wondering what funicular goats were. Harriman’s Hudson Valley funicular (cable railway) led down to their polo ponies and bears.
Not particularly a fan of FDR’s New Deal
Or his lack of concern for what was happening in Europe. He also didn’t think FDR or his top guys had what it took to handle Stalin.
Also, Harriman was a Republican.
Filthy rich
As such, he was politically independent (unlike most politicians). FDR was no pauper, but he had nothing on Harriman. The only tool in his toolbox to control Harriman was access.
The Harrimans and the Roosevelts had history
Theodore Roosevelt unleashed an antitrust investigation against E.H. Harriman (W. Averell Harriman’s dad) and his railway holdings.
He had an affair with Winston Churchill’s former daughter-in-law
Pamela Churchill was also Harriman’s daughter Kathy’s best friend. He had Kathy break up with Pamela at one point, which is a totally normal thing that dads do and definitely not super-awkward.
Harriman and Pamela eventually married. Not until the 1970s, when their other spouses died. (For more on Pamela’s very thorough love life, check out this post. Scroll down until you get to Pamela. Trust me. It’s worth the scrolling.)
Ambassador to Russia during the Yalta Conference
He brought along his fascinating aforementioned daughter Kathy.
Tried twice to snag a presidential nomination … and beat FDR, Jr. to become governor of New York
He only served one term, then Nelson Rockefeller bumped him out of office. FUN FACT! His daughter Kathy dated FDR, Jr.
Advised both JFK and LBJ
(LBJ, JFK, and FDR: notice a pattern here?) Harriman was among the “Wise Men” of the Cold War.
The Daughters of Yalta: The Churchills, Roosevelts, and Harrimans: A Story of Love and War notes that 1934 was the first time American cardiologists met as official organized professionals. When FDR was diagnosed with acute congestive heart failure a decade later, cardiology was still an itty-bitty baby profession. (His doctors advised him to work four hours a day … not ideal for the leader of the free world.)