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- Aaron Burr
- Abel P. Upshur
- Abigail Adams
- Abigail Fillmore
- Abraham Lincoln
- Adlai Stevenson
- Adolf Hitler
- Al D'Amato
- Al Gore
- Al Haig
- Al Smith
- Albany
- Alexander Butterfield
- Alexander Graham Bell
- Alexander Hamilton
- Alf Landon
- Alger Hiss
- Alice Roosevelt
- Alice Roosevelt Longworth
- Allen Dulles
- Allen G. Thurman
- Amelia Earhart
- Andrew Carnegie
- Andrew Jackson
- Andrew Johnson
- Andrew Mellon
- Angelica Schuyler
- Anna Harrison
- Anna Roosevelt
- Archibald Butt
- Arthur MacArthur
- Arthur Mitchell
- Arthur Schlesinger Jr.
- Averell Harriman
- Barack Obama
- Barbara Bush
- Ben Tillman
- Benedict Arnold
- Benito Mussolini
- Benjamin Banneker
- Benjamin Franklin
- Benjamin Harrison
- Benjamin Harrison V
- Benjamin Pierce
- Benjamin Rush
- Bess Truman
- Betty Ford
- Bill Moyers
- Black Americans Civil Rights and the Roosevelts
- Blanche K. Bruce

Just finished reading: West with Giraffes

Just finished reading: The Age of Acquiescence
Feeling my insufficient vocabulary

Just finished reading: Black Americans, Civil Rights, and the Roosevelts

Just finished reading: All the Water in the World
Accidentally read the whole thing

Just finished reading: Everyone Brave is Forgiven
Compressed thoughts

Just finished reading: Becoming Madam Secretary
Frances Perkins is everywhere.

Just finished reading: 1920
All the presidential timber … and then some! 🪵

Just finished reading: The Truths We Hold
[ sigh ]

Just finished reading: The Vice President’s Black Wife
Get to know Julia Chinn

Just finished reading: An Unfinished Love Story
"Eternal means forever."

Flashback: The Cabinet
A do-over!

Just finished reading: Gallop Toward the Sun
Bonus: sexy video!

Just finished reading: Booth
Another novel. Couldn’t help it.

Just finished reading: Same Bed Different Dreams
It’s fiction, but I couldn’t help it.

Just finished reading: Becoming Queen Victoria
Spoiler: she was never POTUS

Just finished reading: When Harry Met Pablo
An anodyne flip through my doodles

Just finished reading: The First Lady of World War II
Flip through my sketchbook

Just finished reading: The First Conspiracy
Flip through my sketchbook and learn about Boiling Water

Just finished reading: Presidential Grave Hunter
Flip through my sketchbook and find out who went pants-less!

Just finished reading: The Humanity Archive