4 lies I tell myself
In the spring, I bought 10 books at the library book sale. I haven’t read a single one yet.* I didn’t let that stop me from going to the fall library book sale. But first — I told myself some lies.
I won’t buy many books.
I have a huge stash of unread books (and a huge stash of books not currently in my possession that I want to read). I won’t buy many books.
If I don’t bring a bag, I won’t be tempted to buy a lot.
If I park far away, I won’t be tempted to buy a lot.
I definitely won’t buy any books about any Roosevelts.
I’ve already read three biographies a piece. Plus, Roosevelts are major players in six of the books I bought last time. And furthermore, the next book I’m reading is about Eleanor Roosevelt.
In conclusion: No. More. Roosevelts.
NOTE: the ✔️indicates that I’ve read the book.
The 11 books** I carried bagless to my car that was parked very far away:
A book about Franklin Roosevelt.
Franklin and Lucy: Mrs. Rutherfurd and the Other Remarkable Women in Roosevelt's Life, by Joseph E. Persico
A book about Hoover.
I love me some Hoover. And 1920s typography. Looking forward to reading Hoover the Fishing President: Portrait of the Private Man and His Adventurous Life Outdoors by Hal Elliott Wert.
A book about the 1920s. ✔️
More 1920s typography! 1920: The Year of the Six Presidents is going to be a blast to doodle my way through. Plus, I met author David Pietrusza in real life after doodling my way through Roosevelt Sweeps Nation … where I learned my favorite bit of presidential trivia EVER.
A book with a gorgeous spine that stopped me in my tracks. ✔️
The Age of Acquiescence: The Life and Death of American Resistance to Organized Wealth and Power by Steve Fraser
A book I’ve been wanting to read for a while. ✔️
Vanderbilt: The Rise and Fall of an American Dynasty by Anderson Cooper and Katherine Howe
A book I know will make me furious but the cover [gasp!] … gorgeous
I know a little about this story and it’s not pretty. The Fish That Ate the Whale: The Life and Times of America's Banana King by Rich Cohen
A book about a badass.
I don’t know a ton about Charles Sumner, but I know he stood up for what he believed in even after getting the crap beat out of him on the senate floor. My copy of Charles Sumner and the Coming of the Civil War by David Donald has a cover that’s not nearly as cool as the cover shown in this link, but that’s ok.
A book about Queen Victoria. ✔️
She’s popped up in a lot of my presidential biographies (she thought Millard Fillmore was hot). Looking forward to reading Becoming Queen Victoria: The Unexpected Rise of Britain's Greatest Monarch by Kate Williams.
A book that’s not like the others. ✔️
The Best of Me by the brilliantly funny David Sedaris.
A book about the American Lion.
I thought I’d already read American Lion: Andrew Jackson in the White House by Jon Meacham but I consulted my bibliography and it’s not on there. I read about Jackson way back before I started doodling as I went, so he’s due for a re-read anyhow.
A book about truths. ✔️
Because it’s how perfect is it to wrap up this post about lies with some truths? The Truths We Hold: An American Journey by Vice President Kamala Harris
*Don’t worry. I’ve read tons of other books so far this year.
**Yeah, that’s right. I actually bought more this time.
PS If you’d rather hear about books that I actually did read, here are a few: