Can I name all the presidents?

LearningPlunge asked on Instagram: “Can you name all 46 presidencies in order?” I know I can’t… but I was confident that I could list them if I bounced around a bit. I predicted it would take me forever. Likely with ooooone missing guy that would nag at me until I remember him.

Here’s what happened:

  • You’ll notice the paper said “Washington” when I started. I didn’t trust that the recording started… aaaaand I hit the button to stop it. Also I didn’t realize until after the fact that the videos could be easily strung together. Double oops. (I’m learning as I go). Please know that I didn’t cheat to get Washington on the list.

  • It took me a total of 6:18 (including fumbling over tapping “record”. And also fumbling to decline a phone call).

  • I sped up the recording because nobody wants to watch me have an extended brain fart. But I made sure the time was showing in the video, so you know I’m not pulling a fast one.

  • I forgot not one but two guys.

  • One guy I forgot is one of my favorites.

  • Thank you to LearningPlunge for previously teaching me that Madison and Monroe are alpha order. These guys were interchangeable to me for years.

  • My list is right! If you ignore that I wrote George by one of the Harrisons. (I’ve doodled extensively about Benjamin Harrison, so hopefully you know that I know that he was president.)

If you’re curious, here’s the order I went in:

  1. George Washington

  2. John Adams

  3. Thomas Jefferson

  4. James Madison

  5. James Monroe

  6. John Quincy Adams

  7. Andrew Jackson

  8. Abe Lincoln

  9. Andrew Johnson (but in the wrong spot); Andrew Johnson (in the right spot)

  10. Ulysses S. Grant

  11. Rutherford B. Hayes

  12. Grover Cleveland

  13. Harrison (WTF! I wrote George!)

  14. Grover Cleveland

  15. Joe Biden

  16. Trump

  17. Barack Obama

  18. Clinton… Martin Van Buren

  19. James Buchanan

  20. George W. Bush

  21. Bill Clinton

  22. George H.W. Bush

  23. Ronald Reagan

  24. Jimmy Carter

  25. Gerald Ford

  26. Richard Nixon

  27. LBJ

  28. John F. Kennedy

  29. Harrison (William)

  30. John Tyler

  31. [then I jotted Pierce, Taylor, and Polk off to the side because I had no idea where they plug in] FDR

  32. Harry S Truman

  33. Dwight Eisenhower

  34. Herbert Hoover

  35. Calvin Coolidge

  36. Teddy Roosevelt

  37. William Howard Taft

  38. Warren G. Harding

  39. Woodrow Wilson

  40. William McKinley

  41. Zachary Taylor

  42. Millard Fillmore

  43. James Polk

  44. Franklin Pierce

  45. Garfield!!!! ❤️

  46. Chester Arthur


  • How different would the country be if this is the order we actually went in?

  • What if George Harrison was actually president?

  • Of all The Beatles, who would make the best president?

  • Do I need a new phone mount for making videos? Mine is terrible. It’s wobbly. Doesn’t go high enough. Gets in my way. Any recommendations?

I’d love to know what you think. Comment below!

Heather Rogers, presidential doodler

I’ve read at least one book about every U.S. president, never tire of shoehorning presidential trivia into conversations, and am basically an expert at hiding mistakes in my sketchbooks.

Presidential food gaffes


Just finished reading: The First Lady of World War II