Quiz Time: Volume 2
Each month, The POTUS Notice features a pop quiz and chance to be randomly selected as a winner. You don’t even need to know the right answer to qualify. Prizes have included: trading cards, stickers, temporary tattoos, presidential socks, zines, and more.
Here’s a compilation of questions from the past year. (You can find the first batch of questions here.) Scroll down to see the supporting doodles, if applicable.
I want to know how many you get right. Drop a note in the comments below.
Elbridge Gerry. (The guy “gerrymandering” was named after.)
Eleanor Roosevelt was walked down the aisle to Franklin D. Roosevelt by her uncle, President Theodore Roosevelt.
Nobody’s. Because that would be nutty. However, Richard Nixon’s campaign hired a plane to fly above the Democratic National Convention, dragging a “PEACE POT PROMISCUITY VOTE McGOVERN” banner behind it.
Thomas Jefferson
Theodore Roosevelt of asthma.
John Quincy Adams complained to his mom about her impossible “requisites” for a wife: “I would certainly be doomed to perpetual celibacy.”
Grover Cleveland.
(He had to support his mom and sisters.)
I’ve seen conflicting info out there. Chester Arthur, Franklin Roosevelt, and George H.W. Bush were all 6’ 2” according to one source. George Washington and Barack Obama were also acceptable answers (both 6’ 1.5”).
New York (10 graves)
Frances Cleveland
Ulysses S. Grant.
Barack Obama, Herbert Hoover, Bill Clinton, Benjamin Harrison, and Lyndon B. Johnson
I planted this question planning to post a brilliant follow up blog clearly explaining gerrymandering and showcasing the obvious solution. Instead, I ended up with this mess and understand it less than ever.
How’d you do? Comment below to share your score.
Finally reading about Lady Bird!