I’m halfway through!

My sabbatical started January 1. I quit my job and set aside two months to focus on my bid for the White House. Just kidding. To focus on my presidential project.

Things got off to a bit of a slow start. Turns out that even without a day job, life still manages to get in the way from time to time. Everything abruptly came to a screeching halt as I was hitting my stride. After successfully dodging covid for three years, it finally caught me…

Covid is a real asshole, you know?

How it’s going

Excluding that week (plus) of being derailed, here’s how I’m doing on the goals I set:

I will spring out of bed at 5 a.m., full of pep.

I managed to practice Yoga With Adriene bright and early for twenty-five days in a row. Maybe not always full of pep. But certainly peppier than before.

My “job” will be my project.

Drawing. Reading. Creating. Connecting. Learning. Exploring. Experimenting. Playing.

Yup, yup, yup. On track!

I’m not going to look for a job and I’m not going to entertain or seek out freelance opportunities.

Ok, I haven’t looked. But I’ve been thinking about what’s next more than I want to admit. I can’t help it.

I’m going to enjoy a cozy hermit life.

I envisioned smugly and cozily watching the snow fall while I work… but that really only happened once.


  • I participated in live history trivia with Dead History — pitted against actual historians. I actually racked up some points, but lost most of them in final Jeopardy. I don’t even care that I got that question wrong — I can’t even tell you how proud I was that I could summon the name of someone from Maine from the time period. Shout out to Kurt from Kurt’s Historic Sites for his big win.

  • On February 9, join me for a crossover presidential trivia event with LearningPlunge. Their awesome trivia. My doodles. I can’t wait. Sign up to play. (It’s free!)

Doodle daily.

Post a new blog every week.

I’m on track with my goal, with the following posts:

Break bad habits and replace them with healthier ones.

Yeah — I got back into yoga. I eliminated added sugar. But being sick sure created gobs of time for mindless scrolling on social media.

Make more merch.

I decided that each Monday would be Merch Monday and I’d add an item to my store weekly. Mixed results. Turns out, I don’t want to work on the store on Mondays… and no amount of alliteration changes that.

In any case, I added a onesie, pins, and a rubberstamp so far. And not on Mondays. Not very impressive. But better than nothing.

Buy a real damned keyboard and monitor.

YESSSSS! I’m kicking myself for taking so long to do this. I’m so much faster and more efficient now.

Build skills.

  • I’ve watched loads of YouTube and Skillshare videos. Check it out! It’s not elegant, but I sorta learned how to morph words.

  • I declared the end of the week to be FLOTUS Friday, where I will create new first lady doodles in Adobe Fresco to try to get comfortable with the program and the brushes. I also discovered that when a drawing sucks, I can share the animation of drawing it and somehow it seems to suck less. Let’s keep that secret between us. My first ladies page is starting to fill in nicely.

Read a lot.

One of my biggest gripes about my new boss is that she’s ordering books too fast for me to keep up. It’s like, lady, chill! I have a big pile already!

To be honest, I’ve read more than I expected already. This includes a couple I started but haven’t finished yet. (And I left one book off this list that I didn’t enjoy enough to recommend.)

Underschedule. But schedule.

Hell yeah! I’ve reconnected with so many people I haven’t seen in years. It’s been incredible.

Donate blood.

I donated once and already set up my next appointment!

Freshen up my website.

Lots left to do!

Make progress on my book.

Ok, this was THE THING I wanted to accomplish and I haven’t even touched it. Nor did I update the book page on my website. BUT! I did enroll in a 10-week program with a book proposal coach and I’m super-excited. i think it’s going to be a game-changer.

One month to go!

Keep following along to see how it goes. And, you know, maybe drop me some encouragement below if you feel like it.

Heather Rogers, presidential doodler

I’ve read at least one book about every U.S. president, never tire of shoehorning presidential trivia into conversations, and am basically an expert at hiding mistakes in my sketchbooks.


Quicker and dirtier*


Tyler’s twenty-somethings