Carrie Fulton Phillips

  • One of Warren G. Harding’s mistresses.

  • Harding was besties with her husband. When their two-year-old tragically died, Harding checked his friend into a sanitarium. Harding and Carrie grew close and began a 15-year affair.

  • When Harding refused to leave Florence, Carrie went to Europe.

  • She ended up successfully blackmailing Harding.

  • During their relationship, they exchanged tons of steamy letters… including Harding’s filthy poetry. The letters were unsealed in 2014.

  • Check out the Warren G. Harding episode of Presidential for more about their relationship, and a few stanzas of poetry. If you’re over 18, that is.

Carrie Phillips
Heather Rogers, presidential doodler

I’ve read at least one book about every U.S. president, never tire of shoehorning presidential trivia into conversations, and am basically an expert at hiding mistakes in my sketchbooks.

Florence Harding


Calvin Coolidge // #30