Princess Julia Dent Grant Cantacuzène

  • Born in the White House

  • Named after her grandmother, First Lady Julia Dent Grant

  • Married Russian Prince Michael Cantacuzène

  • Their small estate included roughly 80,000 acres in central Ukraine.

  • She was a Russian princess for 35 years.

  • She and the prince moved back to the U.S. a couple of times during the revolution.

  • In the 1930s, they divorced in Sarasota, Florida of all places … because he “failed to show interest in matrimonial duties.” I’m dying to know if that means he wouldn’t take out the trash or, you know… other duties.

  • She got her U.S. citizenship back.

  • When Theodore Roosevelt’s daughter Alice Roosevelt Longworth declined an invitation because she wasn’t going out much any more, the 94 year old Julia scoffed “she’s only 86!”

  • Blind by 70 … but right before she turned 90, partial sight returned to her

  • Lived to 99 years old. Here’s her obituary.

Julia Dent Grant family tree
Heather Rogers, presidential doodler

I’ve read at least one book about every U.S. president, never tire of shoehorning presidential trivia into conversations, and am basically an expert at hiding mistakes in my sketchbooks.

Alice Roosevelt Longworth


Lyndon Baines Johnson // #36