• Abolitionist

  • Twenty kids

  • Was asked to help drive away Native Americans and answered “I will have nothing to do with so mean an act. I would sooner take my gun and help drive you out of the country.”

  • Participated in the Underground Railroad

  • Led the raid at Harpers Ferry, planning to arm enslaved people; all were captured or killed

  • Sixteen people were killed, including one of his sons and nine other of his men

  • He said to his son Oliver: “If you die, you die in a good cause, fighting for liberty. If you must die, die like a man.”

  • First person the U.S. government executed for treason

  • John Wilkes Booth attended his hanging

Heather Rogers, presidential doodler

I’ve read at least one book about every U.S. president, never tire of shoehorning presidential trivia into conversations, and am basically an expert at hiding mistakes in my sketchbooks.


John Jay


William Seward