William Seward

  • Union College graduate

  • Alaska was dubbed “Seward’s Icebox” (and also Johnson’s Polar Bear Garden, which is something I just learned and love so much) when Seward agreed to buy it from Russia

  • On the short list to be Zachary Taylor’s vice president; turned it down because thus far only Jefferson made it from VP to POTUS.
    (Let’s just pause to reflect how different things might have been if Seward took over after Taylor died… instead of that doughface Millard Fillmore…)

  • Staunch abolitionist

  • Lincoln’s Secretary of State

  • The plan was for him to be assassinated along with President Lincoln and Vice President Andrew Johnson. Luckily for Seward, he was severely hurt in a carriage accident that left his shoulder dislocated and (more importantly!) his jaw broken. The jaw brace saved his jugular during Lewis Powell’s attempt to kill him.

    • One of his son’s was beaten with a pistol

    • His daughter was hit

    • Three others were left bleeding as well

    • All six lived

Heather Rogers, presidential doodler

I’ve read at least one book about every U.S. president, never tire of shoehorning presidential trivia into conversations, and am basically an expert at hiding mistakes in my sketchbooks.


John Brown


Lady Bird Johnson